We think being part of our church family is an important way to grow closer to each other and work together on the plans God has for his people. If you’d like to become a member of ACC, we’d love to have you join us! Let our office or staff know, and we’ll help you get started on the journey.


As Christians, we’re all part of the Body of Christ, spread across the world. But God’s Word also recognizes the importance of local congregations. Think of it as finding your spiritual home within the larger family of faith.

The Bible gives us a number of example of this. The apostle Peter, for instance, guides church leaders to care for their flock – a task that would be challenging if they didn’t know who was part of their community (1 Peter 5:2). In fact, most of the New Testament letters were written to specific local churches scattered around the Mediterranean. This shows us that local church communities have been a key part of the Christian faith from the very beginning.

Joining a local church isn’t just about following tradition. It’s about connecting with fellow believers, growing in faith together, and playing your unique part in God’s plan for our community.”


Here at ACC, we believe in the power of genuine community. This isn’t just our idea – it reflects God’s nature. The Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) shows us perfect community – and we’re made to connect with each other in a similar way!

We’re trying our best to create a place where people serve each other, even when it’s hard. Jesus said this kind of love would show the world who his followers are (John 13:35). It’s not just about us – this kind of community naturally attracts others. While the Bible doesn’t use the word “membership,” we see the concept throughout the New Testament. The early church kept track of believers (Acts 2:37-47), cared for widows (1 Timothy 5:3-16), held elections (Acts 6:1-6), and knew who belonged to their community (Romans 16:1-16).

God has given church leaders a special role in nurturing this community. They’re called to “feed and shepherd God’s flock” (Acts 20:28). The book of Hebrews encourages us to respect their guidance for our benefit (Hebrews 13:17). We believe that becoming a member helps our leaders fulfill their God-given role and helps you find your place in our church family. It’s about creating a community where we can grow, learn, and support each other as we follow Jesus together.

Joining ACC isn’t just about adding your name to a list – it’s about being part of a family that cares for each other, learns together, and works to make a difference in our world.”


Joining ACC as a member isn’t about gaining special status – it’s about creating a two-way commitment between you and our church family.

When you become a member, you’re saying, “I want to be part of this community.” In return, ACC and its leaders commit to supporting your spiritual growth and encouraging you along the way. It’s a partnership where we help each other follow Jesus more closely. This commitment allows our church leaders to fulfill their calling to guide and care for the congregation and gives you a clear place within our church family, supporting your own spiritual journey.

While we invite everyone to participate in the life of our church and encourage all followers of Jesus to use their gifts to serve, important leadership roles are reserved for those who’ve made the commitment of membership to our church family.

Membership is more like a family agreement thatn a legal contract. We’re all saying, “We’re in this together.” It’s about creating a purposeful community where we submit to God and support one another. Membership isn’t about keeping people in or out, it’s about fostering unity and intentional community among those who choose to be part of our church family at ACC.


Thinking about becoming a member of ACC? Here’s how to get the process started:

  1. Let’s chat: When you’re ready, reach out to our church office. We’ll set up a friendly meeting with a Pastor to discuss your journey and answer any questions you might have.
  2. Learn more about us: Attend a scheduled workshop where you’ll hear about our roots, our vision for ACC, our core values, and what it means to be a member.
  3. Align with our beliefs: Take some time to review our Confession of Faith, our vision, values, and our membership expectations to make sure that you’re in agreement with them. If you’re not sure, talk with one or our Pastors or leaders about it.
  4. Share your story: We’d love to hear about your faith journey. Prepare a brief testimony about your experience with faith and your commitment to Jesus Christ to share with our church family.
  5. Baptism: If you haven’t been baptized as a believer, we’ll be happy to arrange this for you. If you have, just let us know when and where.

We’re excited about the possibility of you joining our church family. Each step is designed to help you make an informed decision and to help us welcome you fully into our community.


Our understanding of baptism is rooted in the Mennonite Brethren movement, which uniquely blends Evangelical and Anabaptist beliefs. This rich heritage shapes how we view and practice this important step of faith.

Here’s what baptism means to us:


Baptism is a beautiful symbol of God’s gift of salvation. When someone chooses to follow Jesus, we baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It’s a sign of being washed clean from sin and a promise to walk with Christ and his church, guided by the Holy Spirit.


Water baptism is a public declaration that someone has:

  • Turned away from sin and received forgiveness
  • Symbolically died to their old life and been raised to a new life in Christ
  • Received the Holy Spirit

It’s also a way of joining the church family and committing to use your unique gifts to serve Christ.


Baptism is for those who:

  • Believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior
  • Want to follow Him faithfully
  • Understand what baptism means
  • Choose to be baptized as a response to their faith
  • Are ready to be part of our church community


At ACC, we baptize by immersion in water. This usually happens during one of our services, though sometimes we may choose another meaningful public location. Before your baptism, you’ll have the chance to share your faith story – a powerful moment for you and our church family.

Already baptized elsewhere? If you share our faith, we’re glad to welcome you into membership. If you were baptized as an infant and are considering joining ACC, we will invite you to experience believer’s baptism as a personal expression of your faith.

Baptism marks a significant milestone in your spiritual journey. Whatever your background, we’re here to support and guide you with love every step of the way.

Matthew 3:13-17; 28:18-20; Acts 2:38; Romans 6:2-6; 1 Corinthians 12:13; Colossians 2:12-13; Galatians 3:26-27; Ephesians 4:4-6


Considering baptism? That’s exciting! Here’s how we walk alongside you in this important step of faith:

  1. Get connected: Spend some time with us at ACC. Get to know our church family and let us get to know you. Baptism isn’t just a personal event – it’s about joining a community of believers.
  2. Let’s talk: When you feel ready, reach out to our church office. We’ll set up a friendly chat with our Pastor to discuss your faith journey and what baptism means to you.
  3. Learn together: Join us for an session where we explore our beliefs, our understanding of baptism, and what it means to be part of ACC.
  4. Find common ground: Take some time to review our Confession of Faith, ACC’s vision, and our values. We’ll be happy to discuss any questions you might have.
  5. Share your story: We’d love to hear about your faith journey. Prepare a brief written testimony about your experience with faith and your commitment to Jesus. This is a great way to encourage others and celebrate what God has done in your life.
  6. Celebrate together: Your baptism will take place during a worship service, where our whole church family can celebrate this significant moment with you.

Remember, baptism at ACC isn’t just about a single event – it’s about becoming part of a faith community. We’re here to support you every step of the way on your faith journey.

We’re excited about the possibility of celebrating this important step with you. Each part of this process is designed to help you prepare for baptism and to welcome you fully into our church family.